Telegram's Pavel Durov announced big blockchain plans for the messaging service at Token2049 in Dubai, to increase privacy and freedom. Telegram, which has more than 900 million monthly users, intends to tokenize app features and split ad revenue via The Open Network (TON) blockchain.
Durov emphasized the blockchain's importance in promoting freedom and proposed a revenue-sharing model for content providers that includes ad income. TON will distribute an astounding 50% of ad revenue to channel owners and artists.
Furthermore, Durov announced intentions to tokenize stickers and emoticons, positioning Telegram as a pioneer in social media tokenization. This shift opens up new monetization opportunities and user interaction.
Tether's announcement of USDT and Tether Gold on TON, which followed Durov's lecture, underscores the network's growth and utility.
Telegram's migration to blockchain represents a paradigm leap, giving users greater control, revenues, and independence through tokenization and revenue sharing.